It’s actually very easy to recover if somebody causing the accident is uninsured or underinsured. Instead of going after their policy on a liability claim, you instead point the finger in a different direction; you point it against your own insurance company under your underinsured or uninsured motorist policy. Hopefully, people buy that. You probably have a UM policy if you have a liability policy, and typically, they’re equal. If you have $30,000 in liability, which means if you hit somebody else and it’s your fault, that’s liability. UM is the opposite. If somebody else hits you and it’s their fault but they have no insurance or not enough insurance to cover the full value of your case, that’s UM or UIM. You would have a claim against your own company, hopefully your UM policy is more than $30,000, which is the state-minimum for liability insurance.
Having said that, I will mention people should get a very large liability policy and match their UM policy to that liability policy. I would get $250,000, maybe more if you can. It’s surprisingly cheap to get a much higher policy than the state-minimum of $30,000. The problem is you can have a UM policy that exceeds your liability policy. But just for financial safety, I would have a high liability and a high UM policy. If you do that, get hit by somebody else, and there is a lot of injury and damage mainly to you more so than your vehicle, you can go against your own insurance policy for your UM policy.
The Importance Of Seeking Medical Treatment As Soon As Possible After The Car Accident
It’s very helpful to the case to seek prompt medical treatment, because if you don’t seek treatment quickly, then the defense could begin to argue that you have a gap in treatment and your injury was not as severe as you claim. It’s going to show the judge or the jury that if you didn’t seek any medical care at all for five days, you must have not been that hurt. Now, even if you were and even if you have reasons to not go to a provider no matter what they are, that’s still going to be a question that defense will try to throw at you if it goes to trial anyway to devalue your claim. So, it is crucial to go get medical help as soon as you can. I think that hospital is never a bad place to go, but in the cases where you just believe that you weren’t really injured that badly, but there could be something wrong, maybe that’s where you go to an urgent care, which is going to be a lot cheaper and quicker. Or, if I’m called quickly enough, I can probably get you into a chiropractor within a couple of days or so. Still, to be safe, I would get medical care as soon as you can. It will show that yes, you’re serious about your case, you’re serious about your pain, and you want to get checked out. You’ll probably get a prescription for a muscle relaxer and painkiller, and that will help you have the best legal case and probably get the best care as well.
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